W. E. Sayedl, H. Loschi, A. Madi, N. Moonen, R. Smolenski and F. Leferink, "Low-Frequency Envelope of DC/DC Converters due Differences in the Control Hardware Features," 2021 Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (APEMC), 2021, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/APEMC49932.2021.9596732.
In conjunction with concerns about electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), the low-frequency envelope provided by the frequency beat produced from the aggregation of harmonics generated by multiple power electronic converters. The low-frequency envelope becomes worrisome as the variations in the amplitude of electromagnetic interference (EMI) in the time domain, can influence the performance of the EMI detectors, e.g., average detector (A V). Therefore, this paper addresses the low-frequency envelope provided by the frequency beat, using two DC/DC converters controlled by two different controllers: PXI- 7854R and Atmega328P. The practical setup and EMI measurements are discussed in the EMC framework.